Aura Homeopathy


Leucoderma Homeopathic Treatment in Faridabad India

Vitiligo, also known as leukoderma, is a disease that affects skin pigmentation and causes white patches on various parts of the body. It is a chronic disease that affects people of all ages, genders, and races. It is not contagious, but it can have a significant psychological impact on a person’s quality of life.
Aura Homeopathy treatment for vitiligo is a safe and effective option that has no known side effects.

Homeopathy holds that each person has a unique constitution and that treatment should be tailored to the individual’s specific needs. Homeopathic treatment begins with a complete case study of the patient’s physical, mental, and emotional symptoms, along with treatment and family history. This information is then used to find a constitutional homeopathic remedy for the patient.

Homeopathic treatment of vitiligo is aimed at solving the internal cause of the disease. Other conventional treatments like allopathy, ayurveda, and unani work superficially and treat the symptoms of the disease. They may include phototherapy, laser therapy, Coltar therapy, or the application of psoralen oil or babchi. This treatment has known side effects, such as allergic skin reactions, liver damage, nausea, cataracts, and other eye problems. Homeopathy, on the other hand, treats the root cause of the disease, resulting in a permanent cure, without any known side effects.

A controlled research study conducted by Dr. Abhishek of Aura Homeopathy concluded that vitiligo is related to stress, abnormal thyroid levels, stomach disorders, and Addison’s disease. Vitiligo patients are advised to avoid citrus foods and non-vegetarian foods, exercise regularly, practice meditation to reduce mental stress, consume sufficient water, avoid allopathic medicines, avoid chemicals, and ensure proper exposure to sunlight.

Aura Homeopathy Treatment for Leucoderma

Homeopathy offers 43 different remedies for vitiligo, including Arsenic Sulph Falvus, Arsenic Album, Baryta Muriaticum, and Baryta Carbonicum. A qualified and experienced homeopath can select the appropriate medicine based on the patient’s case. It is important to remember that vitiligo is a chronic and complex disease and it may take some time for the patient to see significant improvement.

In conclusion, homeopathy offers a safe and effective alternative for the treatment of vitiligo. It treats the internal cause of the disease, resulting in a permanent cure without any known side effects. Vitiligo patients are advised to follow a healthy lifestyle, avoid allopathic medication and seek treatment from a qualified and experienced homeopath. With patience and dedication, it is possible to achieve a complete cure for this chronic condition.

Call +91 9873537001 to order online or book an appointment.

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