Homeopathy Treatment For Headaches

Homeopathy Treatment for Headache

Homeopathy Treatment For Headaches

In this article we will discuss about Homeopathy Treatment For Headaches. Headache is a very common problem, And we say this because it is estimated that these headaches affect 25-31% of the population, including both males and females, children and adults. It is 3 times more frequent in women than in men and, commonly, it can be related to menstrual cycles.Homeopathy Treatment For Headaches
It is an ailment that has a great impact on the lives of patients who suffer it by causing a large number of sick leaves as well as the inability to carry out daily activities normally. All this implies a great economic cost both for public health systems and for society in general. Just a few facts:
·Almost 52% of migraine patients suffer at least two attacks in a month.
·In 42% of patients the seizures last more than 24 hours.
·Between 45-76% of patients rate their pain as severe or very severe.
·53% of migraine patients admit that they abandon their daily activities during attacks.
·Migraine patients are absent an average of 11-15 days from work for medical reasons related to their illness.
Migraine is a chronic neurological disorder that manifests itself with headaches, more or less severe, and this pain is often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. It is also very common for patients to develop an increased sensory sensitivity to light, noise, and even odors during seizures. Click to get the Best treatment for Migraine Headache in India.
Although migraine headache is a very common pain among the population, the doctor is not usually consulted for this reason, as patients often consider that the use of painkillers is the Best Treatment For Migraine Headache. As per a Renowned Homeopathic doctor in India, Dr. Abhishek M.D Aura Homeopathy- when migraine headaches persist, self-medication can be risky.

Causes of Migraine Headaches
The causes of headaches are very numerous, but we usually speak 2 of primary headaches, in which an apparent organic cause is not appreciated, and Who has not met or knows someone who suffers from migraines? And I say this because it is estimated that these headaches affect 17-21% of the population, including children and adults. It is 3 times more frequent in women than in men and, commonly, it is related to menstrual cycles.
It is an ailment that has a great impact on the lives of patients who suffer from it by causing a large number of sick leave as well as the inability to carry out daily activities normally. All this implies a great economic cost both for public health systems and for society in general. Just a few facts:
·Almost 50% of migraine patient’s suffer at least two attacks a month.
·In 40% of patients the seizures last more than 24 hours.
·Between 50-75% of patients rate their pain as severe or very severe.
·50% of migraine patient’s admit that they abandon their daily activities during attacks.
·Migraine patients are absent an average of 11-15 days from work for medical reasons related to their illness.
Migraine is a chronic neurological disorder that manifests itself with headaches, more or less severe, and this pain is often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. It is also very common for patients to develop an increased sensory sensitivity to light, noise, and even odors during seizures.
The causes of this disorder are not yet clear. Vascular, neurogenic, and mixed theories (vascular-neurogenic) have been postulated and in the 1990s speculation began with the possibility that it was a dysfunction of mitochondrial metabolism that was behind the patho-physiology of this disease. The truth is that, to this day, we do not know the mechanisms that trigger pain crises in these patients. But what we do know is that in many patients there is a family burden and that leads us to assess the concept of the terrain, so important in Homeopathy, in these patients. We will return to this when talking about treatment.
A very characteristic element of migraines is the aura. It appears in 10-30% of cases and they are sensory phenomena,  ̶ most of the time visual, although they can also manifest as tingling, language disorders, or hearing disorders ̶  that precede the appearance of pain and that, sometimes, they can also accompany this one. The average duration of this aura phenomenon is usually less than an hour and as it fades, the pain appears.

Some patients also report a pro-dromal phase before the aura characterized by hyperactivity, fatigue, irritability, yawning, and mood disorders. Like the aura, these symptoms are not always present and although they appear they are not always easy to detect by the doctor or the patient himself. They can last between 6 and 10 hours.
The pain phase usually lasts between 4 and 72 hours and can be accompanied, as I already mentioned, by other associated symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.
After this headache phase, a recovery phase usually follows that can range from hours to several days.

Triggers of Migraine Headache:
* Affective area: stress, anguish, conflicts, or circumstances that cause discomfort.
* Stimuli: strong odors, smoke, tobacco, bright light, temperature changes.
* Gynecological area: menstruation, contraceptives, estrogen therapy.
* Sleep: excessive, insufficient, or interrupted.
* Food: cured cheese, dairy products, citrus juice, chocolate, sausages, smoked dishes, Chinese food, sweeteners, nuts, potato chips.
* Drinks: alcoholic (wine and spirits especially), caffeinated drinks.

Homeopathy Treatment For Headaches

Headache and, especially, migraine usually begins before the age of 30. The patient usually has this propensity and has to live with it for a large part of his life. To date, no treatment makes it disappear or that cures it, there are only treatments that control it, and not always, as we have just seen.
Given the complexity of this condition and the problems that can be associated with treatment with conventional medications, including recurrent headaches, it is convenient to point here towards homeopathic remedies as an effective and less aggressive alternative to the treatment of headaches.
The background medication is prescribed to the patient based on his general symptoms, the form of evolution over time, and his psychosomatic characteristics.
In Homeopathy Treatment For Headaches, we also have more medications geared toward migraine. We will refer only to the most common given the complexity of the disease.

Best Homeopathy medicine for Migraine Headache Treatment accompanied by digestive symptoms
* Iris versicolor if it is weekly and vomiting is accompanied by burning.
* Kalium bichromicum if they are right supraorbital, punctate, with vomiting, preceded by vision disturbances, and improve with pressure.
* Lac defloratum , if they appear after several days of constipation, they begin in the frontal area and end in the occiput.
* Lac caninum if the headache is alternating: once on the right side and once on the left.
* Mercenary, in frontal or supraorbital headaches, can be on the right or left side and are accompanied by coating, flatulence, and constipation. In our experience, this is a good remedy when the headache is not very well defined.
* Lycopodium clavatum , in right supraorbital headaches and usually appear when the patient is late in the schedule of his usual meal.
* Psorinum , when the migraine is periodic, but there is well-being the day before. The patient has bulimia and scotomas. Once the pain is established, it always improves with the heat.

Best Homeopathy medicine for Migraine Headache Treatment accompanied by circulatory problems
* Belladonna- Acute congestive phenomenon, of sudden onset and throbbing pain, with photophobia and aggravation with noise and violent movements. This picture would correspond, for example, to sunstroke.
* Glonoinum. Symptoms are more marked than in belladonna, accompanied by high blood pressure.
* Melilotus. The headache improves when epistaxis or any other blood loss appears.
* Sanguinaria canadensis . Congestive headache, throbbing pain, flushing in cheeks. Periodically, every 7 days, the pain begins in the occipital area, extends to the vertex, and is usually fixed in the right eye. It is worse with smells, noise, light, and movement and improves in the dark, in a lying position, or sleeping. A curious symptom: it also improves with the evacuation of gases.
* Gelsemium sempervirens . Congestive headache preceded by vision disorders, diplopia, with pain in the eyeballs. The patient is clouded and overwhelmed. It begins in the occiput, radiating to the neck and shoulder muscles. It improves with the head held high and with the abundant emission of urine.
* Ferrum metallicum . Throbbing and throbbing headaches with vasomotor waves in the face, but after hypotension. The patient has a red face and cold feet.

Best Homeopathy medicine for Migraine Headache Treatment accompanied by dystonic disorders or asthenia 
* Kalium phosphoricum . In hypersensitive, fragile, thin people. They somatize any difficulty in headaches and migraines. It is usually a frequent type of headache in students, schoolchildren, in people with an excess of intellectual work. They have physical fatigue and, interestingly, an increased sexual desire.
* Phosphoricum acidum . After a debilitating illness, major worries, or overwork or play. Patients feel unable to reflect or think. They have great general indifference, insomnia, heaviness of the head, and pressure on the vertex. It worsens with movement and music and improves lying down and resting.
* Zincum metallicum . Pale, with nervous fatigue, with constant agitation of feet and legs, in which they feel restlessness and nervousness. They have trouble understanding and thinking due to brain fatigue. Intellectual exertion aggravates the headache. They have decreased visual acuity, as well as an alcohol intolerance.
* Anacardium orientale. They are usually headaches due to intellectual overload, but those affected are irascible, to the point of insulting. The headaches and the patient, in general, improve eating.
* Ignatia amara. In hypersensitive, hyperexcitable people, with a certain degree of anxiety. They feel the pain like a nail lodged in the head or a general heaviness, from the slightest emotion or annoyance. There is an improvement from distraction and they are worsened by the smell of tobacco.
* Silicaa. They are fragile and easily fatigued people. The headache has the peculiarity of improving with hot packs and is followed by scotomas.

Best Homeopathy medicine for Migraine Headache Treatment accompanied by utero-ovarian disorders 
* Cyclamen. Headaches are accompanied or preceded by vision disorders and dizziness. They reach their acme in menstruation. They get worse outdoors and with coffee.
* Actea racemosa . Headaches are proportional to blood flow; they get worse during menstruation to decrease as the flow subsides.
* Lachesis . The headache appears before menstruation to disappear as soon as the flow appears, unlike Actea.
Best Homeopathy medicine for Migraine Headache Treatment accompanied by rheumatism
* Dulcamara. Headaches are worse with dampness, damp cold, and rainy weather, and better with dry heat and movement.
* Rhododendron. They get worse with changes in atmospheric electricity. When a storm with lightning and thunder is coming, for example. They improve after the storm, with movement, and with dry heat.

In summary, Homeopathy provides the Best medicine for migraine Headache Treatment:
·Safe and effective medicines that we can use with complete confidence in children, pregnant women, and elderly patients.
·Medicines adapted to each patient, because Homeopathy does not treat migraine but the patient who suffers it. It will not be the same and will not need the same treatment a migraine patient who worsens before the rule, who suffers it when he drinks chocolate or the person who periodically suffers from migraines every end of the month or every time he is stressed at work. Click to book an appointment with our expert homeopaths and get your Migraine Headache treated.
·Useful medicines both in pain control and in the prevention of crises. Homeopathy allows us to treat the patient’s terrain and thus act on the disease process, being able, on many occasions, to make those headaches disappear forever.
·Medications that we can combine with other treatments and drugs whenever we consider it appropriate. The best migraine treatment is the one that improves the patient with the minimum unwanted effects and when we use homeopathic medicines for migraines we know that we are minimizing the need to use other drugs with a risk of side effects.

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